Sunday, January 17, 2010

Duct Tape and Swords

SO, it's been far too long since I've written here. Life's been a bit busy.

Basically I've gotten sick, injured, and slightly more clumsy. I've been sword fighting with some of my friends for about two years now, and I've definitely improved. It's become one of my more treasured hobbies. Sure, I may be female, but I can give one hell of a swing!

On youtube, some of my friends and I take videos of us sparring, and it is mostly for fun,but apparently we've been gaining in popularity: it's kinda cool. In the most recent episode, I brought my friend Corrine into the group and we all boxed. Now, normally VT (Violence time, as the ancients call it: we have a new name:Odyssey of the Suburban Blades )sword fights with bokken (wooden swords) and shinai (bamboo swords), so boxing was a special treat. I hope that we'll be having more of this, because I surely enjoyed it.

Now, some of the guys have been doing VT for years, but I'm sort-of but not-really new. Not that it really matters, of course.

Some of the 'weapons of choice', shinai, have been broken. George, one of the founders of VT, wanted to burn the broken shinai. I, on the other hand, wanted a shot at fixing them up for temporary use. And so, Tigerlily was born. Tigerlily is the second shinai to come into my possession, and she's been doing excellently. Duct tape really does wonders!

Well, sadly to say, this will be all for now: I am quite tired. Night~

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