Monday, June 21, 2010

OHAI This is a blueprint for a RP that I'm co-gming. It's a Fairy Tales rp, sooooo basically I had to come up with a shitty blueprint for it...cause ya know...can't come up with anything's a RP. OH MAN

I'm so excited though, my friend Acktoo and I have been working on it for about a month I think? But myes, it's our brain child. And it's awesome. End. Point.

Monday, June 14, 2010


This is just so that I can have access to all of my avatars from one place because it sucks when you get an avatar from the internet and then they take it down and you're stuck with a "imageshack/photobucket/etc image cannot be found" instead of your lovely avatar. :<

Monday, June 7, 2010

ARIA Haircuts

This chika's mad cool. I love how she can pull off the pixie cut and not look like she's out to get some girl on girl action. I mean, just because a girl gets a boy cut or just a short haircut in general,, it doesn't mean that they're in for the same sex relationship. GAH